Law of Attraction: Mentally Getting rid of Past Mistakes Self Help Articles | March 2 Pirates Roberto Clemente Jersey , 2009 Can you ever get rid of the past mistakes of your life and move forward?? You can and here are some thoughts on how through the Law of Attraction.
Do you ever feel as if you are repeating your past mistakes over and over again?? No matter what you do it seems that a particular past event keeps popping up?? Can you ever get rid of the past mistakes of your life and move forward?
When using the Law of Attraction intentionally your past is a part of who you are but focusing on it causes more "mistakes" to arrive as before.? It is important when you encounter past mistakes that you feel you can't seem to forget, to find out why you keep revisiting them.? Is it because you feel badly about how whatever it was went?? Do you feel rejected or unloved?? Does someone else keep bringing it up to you even though you have tried your best to have forgotten it?? Is there no closure?
Examine the actual culprit within the whole event and begin there.? It may not be much fun to dig so deep within but it is an important part of the process.? It's imperative that you find the core feeling of what causes your thoughts to go to your past.? Once you have found this, admit to yourself what you feel you have learned from the situation.? Maybe you recognize that you should have listened to your inner voice; the one that told you not to go in the particular direction that led to the "mistake".? Or perhaps you just need to forgive yourself for something that is truly long gone.? You see, when you have a past that continually revisits you Pirates Willie Stargell Jersey , you might be feeling that you have let yourself down or have let others down, but dwelling on those feelings and thoughts are only going to make you miserable and make you feel inadequate and bring you more of the same.?
If you can't find a solution, if there isn't a closure, then begin to focus on a solution; one that is resolved and in your favor.? When the past thought and feeling comes to you shift your focus to resolution in your favor. ?That will trigger the positive vibrations to emit from you and the Universe will bring you a solution.? No more focusing on how whatever the events may have been hurt you or others Authentic Francisco Cervelli Jersey , just focus on a solution and expect resolve that is comfortable for you.?
If you have a past filled with hurt, one where others have hurt you, start with forgiveness.? It's funny about forgiveness.? Forgiving someone actually helps you more than it could ever help the person who needs to be forgiven.? You see, when you forgive someone you are letting all the feelings of anger Authentic Gregory Polanco Jersey , frustration, and sadness go.? You can then move forward.? Hanging onto those feelings will only attract more of the same.? Forgiveness is an incredible release and provides freedom for you.? If the 'action' of another is the thing you can't seem to forgive, then just begin by forgiving the person and not the act.? This is a way to release what you are holding on to and begin getting on with your life. ?If you are a person who just loves to live in the past, we suggest you pick the past that you love and not the one that caused you pain.? Shift your focus to the positive and realize you can move forward in your life.? You are not defined as a person by your past mistakes. They were events that were a tiny part of your life and do not sum up who you are.
There really are no mistakes Authentic Dave Parker Jersey , just decisions you made based upon the perceptions you had at the time.? Learn from them; don't focus on worrying that they will happen again, and begin to move forward.
And if you do have someone in your life who is trying to keep you from forgetting and moving on, realize that this is their own world they are creating and that they may enjoy holding those feelings and thoughts of past mistakes over you.? You don't have to be a part of this.?
If someone feels badly about you because of a past event or "mistake" and you have done all that you can to rectify the past to no avail, you must decide to move on.? If others need to keep feeling bad about something that is already over Authentic Barry Bonds Jersey , that is their world and their choice, but you don't have to participate.? You can choose to let it be a part of your life now, just like they do, or brush off your shoulders and keep moving forward toward what you really want in life.? Our past is an important part of who we are.? It teaches us what we want and don't want and helps us with our future decisions in life.? But that's all it is.? Get over it and live the life you want.? You'll be glad you did.
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