9 Powerful Quotes from Dr. King that Will Change Your Life! Self Help Articles | January 20 Wholesale Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Jersey , 2009 In honor of one of the greatest Americans throughout history, this powerful article reflects on 9 of Dr. King's famous quotes and how they can still speak to our lives today.
Copyright (c) 2009 Stephanie McWilliams
In honor of a great teacher, take time to reflect on the following nine quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., allowing his great wisdom to resonate in your own life in order to experience more fullness, richness and juiciness in your life in the year to come!
1. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Positive situations can only spring from optimism. Peace will never be established through war. And inner-peace will never be created through negative self-talk.
So many of us are kind to others Wholesale Reggie Jackson Jersey , yet are cruel dictators internally. Practice speaking gently to yourself this week, like you would to a sweet, innocent child. Be compassionate and understanding. Be encouraging, excited, and joyful about all that you dream. It is only through a loving approach that the true enjoyment and richness of life can be embraced.
2. "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Action is the missing step in so many peoples' journey. Most of us know what we should be doing, yet do not live in alignment with those knowings. Stepping into integrity Wholesale Andre Drummond Jersey , and moving forward energetically, by taking action any action is vital. Without movement, there is stagnancy. Nothing can change when standing still.
So take a leap. Make a decision about something small this week one that you've been putting off. Once you take those first brave steps, life has a beautiful way of illuminating the road just ahead. With each step forward, the path will be revealed and your journey will unfold.
3. "Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek."
So often we get sidetracked in this country, and only hold the end-results of our endeavors in high-regard. But quite often I meet clients that are very outwardly successful and financially abundant...yet spiritually bankrupt. Many people are so focused on the prize that they'll do anything to get there Wholesale Rick Mahorn Jersey , forgetting to stop along the way to play, reflect, be grateful and smell the roses.
If we lived in a world where the only thing that was of any importance was in fact your intention, your awareness, your kindness or your faith, how would you stack up? What grade would you give you in the school of life?
The same principle applies in feng shui. It is not as important that your home look beautiful Wholesale Grant Long Jersey , but how it got to be that way. That you have reverence when cleaning. That you dance when decorating. That you smile as you rearrange. Focus instead on how you're BEING, rather than all you're DOING... and you'll be doing great!
4. "The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important."
We tend to make choices about our lives in terms of physical well-being over spiritual well-being. We want to live long lives, and we have doctors and hospitals and drug companies to support those goals. But what if we were just as tenacious about our own joy and laughter? What if we fought to have meaning and love? What if we would do anything to feel passion, pleasure and playfulness each and every day?
The desire for longevity is based on fear. The other is based on love. In what ways can you begin to live a long and LOVING life? Bringing in even the smallest twinkling of lightness to your day will go a lot farther for your health and longevity than a trip to the doctor...
5. "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
When clients come to me frustrated or depressed Wholesale Jerry Stackhouse Jersey , it's usually because they have shifted their perspective inward, wallowing in the details of their own life. I've been there many times myself, as the human brain has a sneaky way of putting each of us as the center of our own little Universe. And while that seems like it would be a great thing, it also can wreak havoc.
When we shift our focus onto others, we not only get the experience of helping a fellow human being, but we also realize that we are not alone Wholesale Bill Laimbeer Jersey , others share the same struggles (or oftentimes, worse ones, and that the things we're fixated on might really not be that important after all.
This outward focus also can bring a deep sense of satisfaction. When we live only for ourselves, there is a hollowness that develops. By holding to what we know to be true, and shining our lights for others to see, we not only enrich our own lives Wholesale Grant Hill Jersey , but make a difference in the world - and this sort of experience always reaps far greater rewards than those done solely for our own gain. When you learn to light another's lantern, you are also illuminating your path as well.
6. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
We tend to see ourselves as individuals, separate from the whole. We get concerned with our own needs, our own injustices, our own struggles, and our own desires. But if you look around Wholesale Christian Laettner Jersey , we are all completely interdependent. Every bite of food, piece of clothing, or car you drive has likely been touched by hundreds of other people. Unless we're living off the grid, every move we make is linked to lots of other folks.