With the rapid aging of the American population resulting in more and more seniors in need of continuing medical care Jamuni McNeace Jersey , the health care industry has responded by devoting more attention than ever before to the unique treatment needs of elderly patients. The nursing segment of the health care industry has responded with equal vigor, and many nurses now focus their educational endeavors in the field of gerontology - the care of older adults. Gerontological nursing is now one of the fastest growing patient care specialties, and an area in which growth is expected to continue for at least the next several decades.
Gerontology nursing specialists are charged with providing treatment and care within hospitals, nursing homes, private medical offices, and even patients' homes. These nursing professionals also serve important roles in areas involving administrative Hannes Polla Jersey , educational, and management responsibilities. Many elder care nurses serve within clinics and community centers, veteran care facilities, and acute care centers for the elderly.
Beyond the traditional educational requirements for a career in nursing, gerontology nursing specialists also take courses designed to provide them with unique specialty care skill sets to help them deal with the diverse range of treatment challenges posed by the elderly. Most programs provide mentoring and advisors who are responsible for arranging for the nurses' training in areas of health assessment and protection, theories on elder care Grant Quinn Jersey , analysis of complex cases, management of common conditions endemic to seniors, and pharmacology. In addition, these mentors and advisors help to place gerontology nurses-in-training into clinical environments where they gain critical first-hand experience treating the needs of the elderly.
In some programs, nursing specialists are also given instruction in genomics to enable them to better understand the role that genetics plays in the aging process. As a secondary part of the gerontology education process, genomics helps in the understanding of why certain therapies are more effective in certain types of patients Darrion Strong-Moore Jersey , and why some patient groups are more susceptible to certain chronic conditions than others. Other specialized information provided to gerontology nurses involves nutrition and physical therapy training that can assist nurses in helping the elderly to maintain a higher quality of life through improvement in overall fitness.
Gerontological nursing generally offers a slightly higher salary than standard general nursing opportunities. The latest national averages for this field of nursing indicate an annual salary of more than $55,000. As with other jobs in the nursing industry, the salary is dependent upon a host of factors that include geography, the experience level of the nurse, and whether the job is located within a hospital, private office Dante Buford Jersey , or home health care setting.
Salaries on both the east and west coasts of the United States can rise to as much as $70,000 or more, while those in certain areas of the Midwest tend to be somewhat lower than the national average. However, the benefits afforded to many in the nursing profession, when coupled with the actual salaries, create an overall compensation package that enables most gerontological nursing practitioners to remain near the top of their profession in terms of income earned. Can you really catch a fish with a book? Well Daniel Harper Jersey , sort of... The BEST way to become a better fly angler is to get real honest-to-goodness time with wet feet and a wet line, preferably with someone knowledgeable on that particular piece of water. That being said there is a wealth of literature to be discovered on the topic. From where I sit typing this, I am eyeballing a full shelf of books specific to fishing and fly-fishing. Soft cover and hard, in every shape and size - mine have weathered pages and worn bindings from frequent use.
Frankly, being in the "weekend warrior" category, I don't get to fish as much as I would like. Some philosopher fisherman (those two words are almost synonymous Christian James Jersey , pardon the redundancy) said that the "earth is two-thirds water, so a person should spend two-thirds of their time fishing". This is perfect logic. However, the execution of said logic cannot possibly come to fruition in my life due to kid's school events and sports, work and related money gathering activities, family commitments and responsibilities, house and yard work Chris Giles Jersey , and other conspiratory distractions from fishing. My opinion is that whoever came up with the two-thirds theory must have been retired and had a lenient spouse to boot. My point is that books are great for when you're wishin? you are fishin?, as well as trying to get better connected to the sport you love.
There are many book topics beyond even the following "how tos": how to cast, how to read the water, how to find fish, how a fish sees and eats, how to tie flies C.J. Cole Jersey , how to build a rod, how to get a drag free drift, how to ad infinitum. As I like to say, it may be that "the early bird gets the worm" but it is the "second mouse that gets the cheese". Oops, there are those clich's again, now in simpler terms - Why try to re-invent the whole dang thing yourself Buddy Heild Jersey , when there is plenty of knowledge out there? Steal as many of those nuggets O? wisdom as you can. Reading is a great jumpstart to a lifelong love of the artful pursuit.
There are also many books that expand into story telling and history sharing; the best of these make you feel like you are hearing stories around a campfire from an old friend. You can't go wrong with blending humor and history. Given the amount of time we fish compared the amount of time we actually "catch", a fisherman must connect to the humor and philosophy of it all or seek a more "efficient" sport. Also, there are specific geographic guides that enlighten the interested, and dozens of other topics.