Have you been putting something off that you know you want to get done. Procrastination often shows up as feeling over extended or fearful or letting distractions interfere with what you want and desire. I've included some of my best coaching tips in the article below on 3 Hidden Ways Procrastination Keeps You Stuck.
Have you been putting something off that you know you want to get done. Have you ever found yourself wondering why you haven’t reached the success that you want for your health, or why your life?isn't?how you have imagined it?
At the root of what stops many of us women from achieving our goals and reaching success is procrastination disguised as overextending ourselves, allowing distractions and believing in our fears.
These are 3 hidden ways procrastination shows up which leads to putting off what is most important to you including your health.?
I've put together some of my best coaching tips and strategies to help you overcome these hidden ways of procrastination? so that you have more energy and accomplish your important goals and feel confident and motivated. ?
1)?Overextending Yourself
It’s important that you don’t try to accomplish too many goals at the same time, because if you do Teal Dell Curry Jersey , procrastination on accomplishing some of them will come from simple exhaustion. You can probably find the time to accomplish two or three goals at the same time, depending upon what kind of goals they are and the work that goes into them.
Some goals you may have to do by themselves, and?any more than two or three goals usually means that you not only don’t have enough time to accomplish your weekly goals, it also means that you’re exhausted about halfway through the week. Make sure that your procrastination?doesn't?come from having too many goals at once Teal Percy Miller Jersey , and if that is the case, just?remove one or two of them to complete at a later date.?
2) Allowing Distractions
Distractions are all around us. Most of us have technology distractions with our phones, Facebook, Twitter and Email.? We also have our spouse Teal Larry Johnson Jersey , our children, our extended family members, all who want a piece of our time, plus our friends want to see us once in a while. Add to all that the 40-50 hours per week that you spend at work and it’s easy to see why we don’t have time to achieve our goals – or at least why we?think?we don’t have the time which leads to procrastinating.
If you knew that if you don't pay that traffic ticket?by the end of the week, the fine would double, you'll probably find the time to pay it, would'n't you? ?Even if you have to go down to the courthouse and stand in line for two hours to pay the ticket Teal Nicolas Batum Jersey , you would still find the time to pay it somehow.
Your goals need to be even a higher priority. ?While you may not always be able to work on them at the same time every day or week, it's important to make progress to reach them.
As a coach what I recommend is to make a weekly checklist of what you want to do to achieve that week’s goals and hang it somewhere where you’ll have to walk past it often.? As you complete each item, check it off and make sure that everything is checked by the end of the week.?
3) Believing in Your Fears
Fear can hold us back from achieving our goals. Fear?doesn't?just manifest itself once and?then disappear either. ?It usually?comes in a vicious cycle that keeps you from success.
When you start having fears you start to doubt yourself and change your mind about your goals.?
The fear?isn't?going to go away?and the best way to deal with it is simply to acknowledge the fear and be honest with yourself. ?You know that the lies that your fears are trying to tell you are just that – lies.? And?you choose?to believe them so you delay and procrastinate and put things off that are important.
This is not meant to make you feel bad – it’s all part of our life experiences and all of us do it. ?What’s important is to look past those fears when they come up and truly ask yourself if any of the things that the fears are telling you are likely to be true. ?Then remind yourself of why y